My son wanted to do a pass-the-parcel. To include a wrapper for each kid was going to take ages to play so I decided to make 3 and run them all at the same time. However, on the day they were so happy running around we didn't play it at all.
Games included a cardboard cut out target game made from flat packing a moving box, drawing on Spiderman's face and cutting out the eye sockets to make 2 target holes. I was originally going to stand them up so the kids could throw the balls through the holes, but it was a windy day so decided to celotape paper on the back adn draw target numbers on e.g 10 points, 20 points and lay it on the ground so the kids had to roll the balls onto the target. For the balls I made sponge balls (quick & easy to make - found out how here).

Food included:
* Spidey biscuits. The first biscuit dough I made was a disaster, it was too sticky to use a cutter so I ended up making a giant cookie, then started again to make smaller ones.
* Spidey cupcakes. Some with faces, some with cobwebs and some just decorations.
Watermelon cake. This was a risk because I didn't know if it would hold the chocolate writing. It worked well and made a good alternative to a sponge cake.
The party bags were takeaway style boxes which I decorated with Spiderman stickers and the recipients name. I put the same Spidery stickers on little bottles of bubbles. Also inside I made salt dough necklaces. See how here. To complete the party bags - a balloon, sweat treat and little toy.
Finally, of course, the all important party dress.
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